11 December 2010

Login to Kubuntu with Your Face

Use the Software Repository Guide to add the following repository to your software sources list:

Allow it to reload and check for new software updates.

Search for and install:


We're going to have to do a little command line dirty work.
Open up Konsole (KMenu -> Applications -> System -> Konsole / Terminal)

Run these two commands

cat << EOF | sudo tee /usr/share/pam-configs/face_authentication /dev/null
Name: face_authentication profile
Default: yes
Priority: 900
Auth-Type: Primary
[success=end default=ignore] pam_face_authentication.so enableX

sudo pam-auth-update --package face_authentication

We can close the Konsole.

Make sure you take a LOT of pictures of yourself at diffirent distances away from the camera with the face trainer app (KMenu -> Applications -> Lost & Found  -> Qt Face Trainer).

You might want to go into the advanced settings and increase the security. It makes it harder to train and use, but it helps prevent people logging in with a simple photo of you. It also helps if you normally wear glasses, because you have to take them off for this to work well.

Now reboot your computer, and at the password prompt, simply hit enter without a password. The face recognition dialogs will pop up!

To remove all this wonder :( , run these commands.

sudo pam-auth-update --package face_authentication

sudo rm /usr/share/pam-configs/face-authentication

sudo apt-get remove pam-face-authentication

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